BN- Lousy landlords, dodgy estate agents, nosy neighbours and housecalls from outlaw motorcycle gangs have been uncovered in a new report...
Consumer group Don't Rent Me published its rankings and crowned an unwanted winner after it compiled and combed through data relating to the number of rental complaints in each suburb.
According to the data, the Queensland suburb of Southport, near the Gold Coast CBD, topped the nation in unhappy renters.
The top four was rounded out by Shelley in Western Australia, Frankston in Victoria and Stanmore in New South Wales.
Don't Rent Me's founder Anthony Ziebell said he created the website in 2012 after his own horror experience.
'I had a really poor experience with my previous landlord, the agent and of course the property,' Mr Ziebell said.
'The landlord refused to carry out repairs and the agent was incompetent and tried to take all our bond despite the fact we left the house in good repair. After this I wanted to leave a statement online to warn others and discovered there was no outlet to do this, so I created one.'
Despite the website's potentially negative impact, Mr Ziebell said he isn't aiming to slam agents and landlords, rather to give powerless renters a voice.
'Don't Rent Me is a platform whereby tenants can air their frustrations, warn others and in the best case scenario, achieve a resolution,' he said.
'Today we hear so many horrible stories and some far worse than my own, but most tenants don't have a way to resolve the problem in an easy and timely manner.
'It is also important for families to have a secure place that feels like home especially for children. I want to make life easier for Australian families by easing stress and frustration. This website does that and also allows tenants to gain back their rights.'
In addition to its rankings, the website allows people to post about specific properties, posting a comment and rating out of five.
'Know your rights as a tenant as the real estate doesn't, they treat you like a second class citizen,' one person wrote on a property available in Southport, Queensland.
'I wish to warn renters to give this property a wide berth as there has been a lot of mould in that place as a tenant a few years ago who has asthma complained to the agent and nothing was done then they went to the landlord who ignored,' another said about a place in Frankston, Victoria.
'Horrible, house, falling apart, , Health Hazard , Do Not Buy, Do Not Rent. BE WARNED DON'T BUY DON'T RENT,' another said of a Shelley, Western Australia house.
However, perhaps the most alarming review came from Southport - which is fitting, considering it topped the poll as the country's worst.
'Landlord all promises, but no repairs. Electrician sent once, sends mates to do dodgy repairs, if at all. Roof leaks in storms in bedrooms, gutters broken,kettle & heater cant be on at same time, neighbours spy on you to landlord, sent bikies,' a reviewer wrote about a house in Southport.
Mr Ziebell said not only did the website allow furious people to blow off some steam, but he said it has already gotten positive results.
'Just recently a tenant posted a review of their negative experience with a property,' he said.
'The landlord found the review and approached us to rectify the situation. As it turns out the real estate agency was not letting the landlord know about issues with the property and therefore nothing was being fixed. The landlord has since fired the real estate agency and the issues have been fixed and the review has been taken down.
'This is exactly what we wanted to do with this website.'