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BIKER NEWS: Difficult to challenge the Hells Angels and Bandidos

BN -- Henk Kuipers has a history of biker gang Satudarah but has broken out and formed No Surrender. In early October launched the Dep...

BN -- Henk Kuipers has a history of biker gang Satudarah but has broken out and formed No Surrender. In early October launched the Department District 26 in Denmark. The club's spokesperson stated that there are plans to start more departments, both in Denmark and Sweden.

Petra Stenkula, Head of the Investigation Unit at the Malmö police and expert on biker crime, stating that the police have full control of the new uppstickargängen.

- When we see new constellations in Denmark, we will look at them. No Surrender and Gremium are not really established in Denmark, but they are visible. When we are on, and see what people there are and what links there may be to Sweden. And try to stop it, she says.

Southern Sweden has a vulnerable position because of its proximity to the continent, says Stenkula.

Gang crime is completely different here than in the rest of Sweden.

Spread from southern Sweden

- Biker gangs and other organized crime that we see in Denmark who had come from Germany and Holland. To establish man in southern Sweden, and from here it spreads to the rest of the country.

Motorcycle club Satudarah, who previously challenged the Hells Angels, is almost calculated, according to police. Unlike the No Surrender, the club has established a department in Malmö, but in practice there is no business. Right now several Satudarah members arrested for drug offenses.

- Satudarah is nearly obliterated. The show itself is not very much and we have been deprived of their liberty. They have not had the opportunity to communicate during detention, and we hope the convictions, so that they go directly to jail. We see no action now, says Petra Stenkula.

Generally, the police are working less and less against the gangs, and increasingly against individuals who commit crimes in loose networks.

But there are two exceptions.

- No, it does not apply to the Hells Angels and the Bandidos. They are more organized. We believe that they make their living partly crime. And they are organized. It can not be compared with other gangs, says Petra Stenkula.

After the two arch-enemies made peace, they have been able to focus more strongly on their criminal activities.

- There is a reasonable conclusion. It is clear that it is their strategy. But while it is of course good that they do not have an open conflict, for it can affect third parties, says Petra Stenkula.

The murder of Jörgen Lindskog, assassination attempt against Stefan Kubakov and the attack on MC filth are three examples of serious crimes with open motorcycle extension in southern Sweden in recent years. Under the surface, there are more.

- We see in general that there are violent crimes that are linked to these gangs. Which, I do not want to answer, says Petra Stenkula.

Even Sven Holgersson, local police area manager in Helsingborg, believes that the spine western clubs are responsible for several crimes. Helsingborg has both the Hells Angels and Bandidos established.

- They are all the time with. But will it hold up to the district court must be beyond doubt. Sometimes it is difficult to prove the crime, and it applies to all gang crime. It is difficult to get at the core. Often it is someone in the tail performing them, he says.

The police are actively working against members of spine West gangs.

- I can not go into the methods we use. But it is about people who move in criminal circles, and hang out with criminals, we have an eye on. We are making further checks: Looks so they do not drive drunk, that they have a driving license and so on. In this way, we get a picture of how they move and what they do. We have increased police activity, simply. Since we conduct obviously investigative work when they commit crimes, says Petra Stenkula.

Sven Holgersson feels that the police alone can not solve the problem.

- We must have with other authorities. You work already so, but we must do it even more, he says.

Should we be afraid of these people?

- No, I do not. When they are in trouble with each other, third parties may suffer, but we have not seen any signs of right now. They deal with their own things. That is if you come into trouble. And I do not recommend doing business with them, says Petra Stenkula.

This article was first published on 25 okt 2015 kl 06.20
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Outlaws Bikers News : BIKER NEWS: Difficult to challenge the Hells Angels and Bandidos
BIKER NEWS: Difficult to challenge the Hells Angels and Bandidos
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