BIKER NEWS: Residents spot patched up bikie gang members and witness parties in the burbs | Outlaws Bikers News

BIKER NEWS: Residents spot patched up bikie gang members and witness parties in the burbs

BIKIES are wearing their patches in public again while others organise parties at suburban homes until the early morning hours. The worst...

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BIKIES are wearing their patches in public again while others organise parties at suburban homes until the early morning hours.

The worst fears of many residents is clubhouses will be reopened.

This is the nervousness in a city where the last of the bikie court cases took place yesterday and the new Labor Government undertakes a review which threatens to weaken the former Newman government’s Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment laws.

Rapid Action Patrol leaders have called on residents to come forward with information as they continue to make random checks on nightspots and visit Coast homes to ensure bikies are adhering to night curfews.

Officers believe the incidents are “isolated” but many Coast MPs are fielding anxious telephone calls from residents fearful of losing the grunt in the legislation which forced bikies out of town.

As a taskforce review continues and court proceedings against bikies are finalised, the Bulletin fielded complaints about gang members wearing their patches on the street.

The sightings ranged from gang members wearing club colours as they rode along the Pacific Motorway from the Coast to Brisbane and main roads through suburbs like Bundall.

Currumbin MP Jann Stuckey, who recently surveyed constituents and found 90 per cent did not want the VLAD laws repealed, said she had seen a “patched Mongol” bikie on the M1.

“We are getting reports of Mongols having parties to two or three in the morning in rented houses,” she said.

Residents were concerned bikies would attempt to reopen clubhouses and people were “frightened” about reporting bikie activity.

“The feeling in the community is there are already those little signs that activity is starting again,” Ms Stuckey said.

RAP officers know “the activity in public areas (by bikies) is nothing compared to what it used to be” but urged residents to report incidents.

“I think if people out there are saying there is increased activity of bikies, we urge them to contact us,” said RAP Inspector Shane Holmes.

“We’ve only got a certain amount of eyes and ears out on patrols.”

Police expect some bikies will attempt solo rides wearing their colours but the VLAD laws have effectively stopped them gathering in numbers on roads or in cafes.

RAP officers on night patrols check between 30 to 40 licensed venues on the tourist strip while others visit homes to ensure curfew orders are being followed.

Ms Stuckey said the LNP had always intended to review the VLAD laws after three years but Labor in its approach was creating uncertainty about the future of the legislation.

“What is of great concern is this Government has directed the taskforce to repeal the laws,” she said.

The recent Estimates hearing was told the taskforce looking at bikie laws was not a review but more like a demolition of the powers to stop motorcycle outlaw gangs.

Shadow Attorney General Ian Walker used the hearings to produce the terms of reference for the taskforce created to review VLAD laws.

They reveal “the taskforce will note the Queensland Government’s intention to repeal, and replace the 2013 legislation, whether by substantial amendment or new legislation”.

Mr Walker said Attorney General Yvette D’Ath had confirmed the taskforce “was far from a review and more like a demolition”.


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Outlaws Bikers News : BIKER NEWS: Residents spot patched up bikie gang members and witness parties in the burbs
BIKER NEWS: Residents spot patched up bikie gang members and witness parties in the burbs
Outlaws Bikers News
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