BN- In police work, the patch on the uniform doesn't matter. "It's a loyalty, it's a bond, that no other profession has,...
BN- In police work, the patch on the uniform doesn't matter.
"It's a loyalty, it's a bond, that no other profession has," said Stacy Trott, Warthogs Motorcycle Club.
Look no further than State Police Trooper Chad Wolf's visitation this evening is a perfect example of the brotherhood that cannot be broken.
Several brothers and sisters in blue from across the state and nation waited quietly in line to pay respects to Wolf and show support to Wolf's wife and four kids.
Wolf died in the line of duty Friday morning when his police bike was struck on I-75.
Stacy Trott, a Farmington Hills police officer, said it’s simple.
"No matter where you're from, no matter what part of the part of the world, we are there to support each other," Trott said.
She is also a member of the Warthogs Motorcycle Club, a group of bikers made up of police and other first responders who help families of the fallen.
She said this tragedy hits home.
"When something like this happens, it tears you apart. It tears at your heart and soul, and it can happen to any one of us," Trott said. "We put that uniform on, walk out that door and you don't know if you're coming home, but that's what it is, that's what we signed up for."Read more: