BN- A senior Perth outlaw motorcycle gang member will be deported on character grounds by Immigration Minister Peter Dutton. New Zealand-...
New Zealand-born Joel Royston Makaea was a member of the Rebels bikie gang and had lived in Perth for six years, but was arrested earlier this week and held in immigration detention at Perth Airport.
His visa has since been revoked.
A ministerial spokesman said Mr Dutton would not comment on individual cases, but in a statement the Minister said he was determined to keep the community safe.
"Criminal bikie groups sell and distribute ice and are involved in other serious crime," the statement said.
"On that basis, through a provision within the Migration Act, I can decide that their visas will be cancelled and they will be going back to their country of birth.
"I'm going to do that wherever possible because these people are detracting, not contributing to our society."
Mr Dutton said visas issued to foreign nationals were a privilege not a right.
"If that privilege is abused then they should expect to have their visa cancelled and be sent packing from our country," he said.