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BIKER NEWS: Blood in bikie club linked to Vic death

BN- Police said a dead man's blood was found at a Bandidos clubhouse, as one of the men accused of killing him was committed to trial...

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BN- Police said a dead man's blood was found at a Bandidos clubhouse, as one of the men accused of killing him was committed to trial in Melbourne.

John Walker, 33, on Wednesday pleaded not guilty to murdering Michael Strike and was committed to stand trial.

Luke Paul Maybus, 28, also charged with murder, and Joseph Girgis, 41, who is accused of being an accessory, are due back before court on Thursday.

Mr Strike's body was found on the side of the road opposite Keilor Cemetery on May 25 last year.

His blood was found at the Bandidos' Brunswick clubhouse, Detective Leading Senior Constable Justin Tippett told the Melbourne Magistrates Court.

Another blood stain that likely came from Maybus was also found on a couch at the club, but it was unclear how long it had been there, he said.

Witness Matthew Grech on Monday told the court he went to Ballarat with Maybus some time in mid-2014.

The pair travelled there one day after Mr Grech was asked to dump couches and bleach-scented rubbish he collected from the Bandidos clubhouse, he said.

Mr Grech said they were having breakfast when Maybus told him a guy turned up at the clubhouse "pissed" and screaming, and "they gave him a good hiding".

Mr Grech didn't know who "they" were or when the alleged assault happened.

Police have not been able to find the cafe where Mr Grech says the conversation took place, and banking records do not show any electronic payment for breakfast.

The court heard no other witness evidence puts Maybus at the clubhouse around the time of Mr Strike's death.

Another witness, Tym Livett, told police Girgis asked him to burn some clothes early on May 25 last year after Girgis and Walker told him a man had been bashed.

Mr Livett on Wednesday admitted he was using ice at the time of the alleged conversation.


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Outlaws Bikers News : BIKER NEWS: Blood in bikie club linked to Vic death
BIKER NEWS: Blood in bikie club linked to Vic death
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