OFF THE WIRE DOJ/FBI to criminalize free speech in TN, imprisonment for negative posts against political Islam Lurking in the hills of ...
DOJ/FBI to criminalize free speech in TN, imprisonment for negative posts against political Islam
Lurking in the hills of Manchester, just southeast of Nashville Tennessee is the setting of what many believe could be the showdown to the eventual realization that our first amendment, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are a thing of the past.
The belief that our nations future, our ability to express ourselves in free speech lies in the hands of a few people within the Department of Justice and the FBI while representing and protecting a political system that has serious links to the Muslim Brotherhood.
For a moment, when I first heard of this Muslim Diversity acceptance meeting in Manchester TN, I thought a dialogue might be established and a path to communication might be open to discuss our differences as Islam attempts to assimilate into our culture. Perhaps a hope that if different cultures somehow meet in the middle something good may come from it adopting the slogan �to COEXIST.�
The fleeting belief that to live in America would mean that the first amendment would stand for us all and our nation would continue to spin as it has for more than 250 years under the consistent application of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
Little did I know that the table has already been set, the meal ordered and I get whatever is delivered to me.
My opinion, my rights placed on hold because a political system of Islam is demanding it and we have a broken system of justice that assures them their rights only will be protected.
The great state of Tennessee is being manhandled by an overreaching federal government with no respect for the Constitution or the state boundaries that restrain them. Coupled with that the fact that we, by large do not have elected leaders that will step in and stop this all out assault on our country.
Quickly the realization sets in that this was not about how can we learn from Americans or how we can better serve the needs of our community but how �strangers� to our country can enforce their beliefs on the majority inside a constitutional republic seemingly despondent to the laws of our land.
How can these Americans who are offered the same rights as me somehow expect me to put aside my rights because their political views do not sync with mine.
When I put the puzzle together it was not about religious tolerance but about Americans becoming sharia compliant, tolerant and accepting of a political system that does not honor our Constitution. We are now being led into the abyss where the rights of many are being ignored. The path that we are taking is surely one of demise when we selectively protect political systems ignoring or stripping others of that same right.
The shell game is over the right one lifted and the pattern of disillusionment is revealed. Political Islam and it�s tenets of acceptance and diversity have been uncovered and exposed.
The DOJ and the FBI are once again bullying their way into Tennessee and basically ignoring the rights of Native Tennesseans and enforcing their warped version of justice in a free country via a sovereign state.
Unfairly, unevenly pulling rank on everyday citizens while �having the backs� of these Islamic Americans with sinister associations is way beyond what I can comprehend in one afternoon of research.
Suspending the Constitutional rights and beliefs of roughly 99 percent for a demanding political system representing 1 percent doesnt quite meet the definition of a fair trade.
Governor Bill Haslam, ex Governor and now US Senator Lamar Alexander are primary players in this scheme to hijack our constitution and placate to the minority. Governor Haslam and Alexander have been given a pass for way to long on this issue as well as others who have bought into the deception. They should be called out in their involvement of this unconstitutional rape of our rights and met with deep resistance come election day.
In a small town called Manchester Tennessee, US Attorney for East TN Bill Killian and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will be holding a meeting to tell Tennesseans of their rights, or should I correct myself and say the rights of the political Islamists.
Killian and the FBI want us to know it is against federal law to speak out against political Islam. What federal law? Where is it against the law to speak your mind in a free America? The mere thought that the DOJ and the FBI can come into small town America and say what we can and cannot do is preposterous and begs one to ask what are their motives inside our Constitutional Republic and where they are aligned?
Why is a US Attorney with close ties to AG Eric Holder addressing this issue in TN ?
Why is the government suppressing the right to free speech in favor of the rights of political Islam?
Why are the local papers in Tullahoma embracing this idea that free speech should be squelched?
Why is the DOJ and the FBI telling us where our ethics must lie?
Why and who emblazoned the US government to intimidate the citizens of the United States by suggesting that writing blogs, posting free speech in social media that it�s a federal crime to state facts about political Islam?
This is about more than religion and �culture�, this is about suppression of freedom of speech inside the greatest nation in the world��period!
Next up to the stage, The United Nations and it�s �Declaration of Human Rights.�
For many years and in recent history the UN has attempted to convince the US to give up it�s first amendment rights and go along with the rest of the �international bodies� and adopt a law against blasphemy called the Defamation of Religions Law!
This law has been struck down inside the UN by the United States on several occasions.
I believe the DOJ, FBI and AMAC along with the OIC and CAIR are using this event in Manchester TN to be a flashpoint for legislation at the state and national level.
The DOJ and the FBI seemingly has a newfound authority and jurisdiction enforcing international laws on the states under the guise that the laws they speak of are from the federal level of government. The Defamation of Religions Law has never been ratified within the United States.
In other words, you are forcing Americans to adhere to a law that doesn�t even exist nor has it had a chance in hades of becoming law in TN let alone the United States but yet you pretend it exists to meet your political agenda.
These actions inside a totalitarian state might go unnoticed but to be able to pull this off inside America will meet heavy resistance.
Enforcing a law that only exists in the minds of globalists intent on ruining this great country with an international handout is visible to the naked eye and will not happen in Tennessee, not in the United States.
Nearly 47 percent of the countries and territories in the world have laws or policies that penalize blasphemy, which is in political Islam punishable by death!
THE UNITED STATES DOES NOT AND WILL NOT punish Americans for exercising their rights to free speech.
Please pay attention to this international law called �Defamation of Religion Law!� I personally believe this is the path to losing our freedom and our first amendment rights.
If they are successful in little Manchester Tennessee, I believe they will have the precedence to masterfully bypass the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and change the face of our nation forever, the US becoming Sharia compliant.
We must rely on our legislators and elected leaders to make the right decisions.
Interestingly, within days of this meeting, June 4th, Barrack Obama is expected to sign into
Law the UNs Small Arms Treaty! Coincidence? I believe fate or destiny would be the favored word!
Plan to be there!
June 4th, 2013, Muslim Diversity acceptance class with DOJ/FBI considering making it a crime leading to imprisonment for posting negative remarks about Islam.
Read the links below for more information.
�Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society� will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, at the Manchester-Coffee County Conference Center, 147 Hospitality Blvd, Manchester Tennessee
Special speakers for the event will be Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, and Kenneth Moore, special agent in charge of the FBI�s Knoxville Division.