OFF THE WIRE �You need to write yourself a ticket!� May 20, 2014 In honor of it being National Revenue Collection Through Arbitrary...
�You need to write yourself a ticket!�
May 20, 2014
In honor of it being National Revenue Collection Through Arbitrary Law Enforcement month, ahem� National Click it or Ticket Enforcement month, we here at the Free Thought Project thought that we would share a heartfelt moment of police hypocrisy.
All too often police will not follow the same laws for which they will issue the commoner a citation. This above the law attitude further serves to drive the wedge between those tasked with upholding the �law� and those harassed when not following the �law.�
If we do not point this abuse out, it will only get worse.
Pointing out the above the law attitude of cops, is exactly what this independent journalist has done in the video below. He also catches the epitome of the pretentious nature of so many LEOs on film.
Cameraman: �What is your name?�
Cops: �Sir!�
Cameraman: �I�d hate to put this on youtube.�
Cops: �If you don�t get away from me we are going to lock you up.�
Apparently this officer thinks that exposing police corruption is a punishable offense.
Laws are only for citizen maggots.Do not take video of us breaking the law,or we will lock you up !!!!! OK, I'm doing laundry when I see these out of town police picking up their laundry. I don,t know if when they leave they will obey seat belt laws we pay them to enforce. I never see cops wear their belts. They are not exempt from Mi. seat belt laws.......I guess what really pisses me off is at the same time there is a seat belt sting operation just a shot distance away. Citizens pulled over every effing where, Getting seat belt tickets. Also, a year before same sting operation, I got a ticket for no seat belt, big problem, I had it on! I went to take pictures of sting operation ( 12 police vehicles) same officer that gave me a ticket ran over to me and told me to leave or I would go to JAIL! I left, but never effing again will I have my rights violated again. Oh! I went to court on seat belt ticket, the judge ask officer if he seen me drive without seat belt on, officer answer NO. Ticket dismissed. See Mi. seat belt laws
�You need to write yourself a ticket!�
May 20, 2014In honor of it being National Revenue Collection Through Arbitrary Law Enforcement month, ahem� National Click it or Ticket Enforcement month, we here at the Free Thought Project thought that we would share a heartfelt moment of police hypocrisy.
All too often police will not follow the same laws for which they will issue the commoner a citation. This above the law attitude further serves to drive the wedge between those tasked with upholding the �law� and those harassed when not following the �law.�
If we do not point this abuse out, it will only get worse.
Pointing out the above the law attitude of cops, is exactly what this independent journalist has done in the video below. He also catches the epitome of the pretentious nature of so many LEOs on film.
Cameraman: �What is your name?�
Cops: �Sir!�
Cameraman: �I�d hate to put this on youtube.�