The Manitoba Hells Angels from 2008 in a photo seized by police and entered as an exhibit in court during Project Flatlined, a 2012 police ...
"Rodney Sweeney was observed through surveillance actively pursuing rival gang members," wrote Winnipeg police Det. Grant Goulet in an affidavit for the peace bond bid.
Goulet detailed several occasions on which Hells Angels associates "assembled in convoys to go on the hunt for rival Rock Machine members," court documents state. Sometimes, the missions culminate in a home invasion, dubbed "knock knock ginger man," the court documents state.
Police implicate Sweeney in these so-called hunting missions through an intercepted text message from Sweeney's brother - the reputed president of the Manitoba Hells Angels.
"Grab some of the boys tell them to put somework (sic) it. Keep pressure on they hurtin (sic) bud!" police quote Dale Sweeney as writing to Justin MacLeod, the alleged president of the HA's "friend" gang, the Redlined Support Crew.
"Dale Sweeney in texting Justin MacLeod infers that Rod Sweeney wants to go out on the hunt again and tells MacLeod to gather the others (Redlined members) to put in some work and keep pressure on (the Rock Machine)," Goulet wrote in the affidavit.
Gang cops were conducting surveillance and wiretaps on the HA and the Redlined as part of Project Flatlined, a Winnipeg police bust targeting an alleged drug trafficking cell.
In all, 16 people are facing criminal charges for cocaine trafficking, money laundering and belonging to a criminal organization.
Dale Sweeney was among those arrested.
Nine others, however, faced the prospect of a peace bond under, also known as a crime prevention order, under Sec. 810.01 of the Criminal Code.
Including Rod Sweeney's peace bond, police and prosecutors have now triumphed in securing six orders out of a total of nine that were being sought.
Part of the aim of the orders is crippling communication between various gang members. For instance, Sweeney is not allowed to have contact with upwards of 100 past and present alleged associates of the Hells Angels, Redlined, or the Zig Zag Crew, the one-time puppet club to the Manitoba HA.
The peace bond does not result in a criminal record. However, any breaches of the order could spark a charge, which ultimately could end up on a rap sheet.
The same day Sweeney agreed to the court order, a Hells Angels prospect was ordered by a judge to obey a criminal organization peace bond. Raymond Plouffe, 48, will only have to abide by the conditions for 10 months instead of 12, thanks in part to his clean criminal record.