offered by the Department of Corrections to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Whether the aging vets at the local watering ho...
offered by the Department of Corrections to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Whether the aging vets at the local watering hole constitute a gang comes down to a definition from the Department of Justice. According to information offered to the Senate Judiciary Committee, a gang designation is appropriate for a group three or more people with a common identifying sign, symbol or name who individually or collectively engage in criminal activity which creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. Sen. Alice Nitka wasn’t so sure that the retirees of the motorcycle club in Windsor are a menace to society. Why shouldn’t the club be lumped in with the home-grown Chittenden County White Boys or “Anybody Can Get It” (commonly-known as ACG-137 according to the department), or maybe even the Bloods and the Crips? If all it takes for a “gang” to make the list is for a few members of a group to commit a crime, Sen. Jeanette White asked, will the Boys and Girls Club be next?