BN- Hells Angels' boss Frank Hanebuth admits he owns the two German Shepherds that viciously attacked five people in Lower Saxony on S...
BN- Hells Angels' boss Frank Hanebuth admits he owns the two German Shepherds that viciously attacked five people in Lower Saxony on September 9, 2011. Authorities are still investigating how the dogs got out of Hanebuth’s heavily secured property. The dogs had been running loose in the Wedemark district on Thursday evening, according to reports. Their first victim was a 33-year-old male pedestrian who was bitten on the hand. A witness tried to help but was also attacked by the two large dogs, according to Then a 44-year old woman driving down the street saw the dogs and thought they were strays. When she stopped and attempted to rescue them, both dogs jumped on her and inflicted serious injuries. reports that her two children (seven and twelve years old) were in the car and watched in shock. A 68-year-old man who saw the attack and tried to help the injured woman became another victim. A helicopter later airlifted the woman to a hospital. The man was seriously wounded, but neither faces life-threatening injuries, according to a Pressemappe by the Hanover Police Department.