Agency gets green light to use wiretaps in Hells Angels case | Outlaws Bikers News
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Agency gets green light to use wiretaps in Hells Angels case

Agency gets green light to use wiretaps in Hells Angels case: "The Director of Civil Forfeiture has won the latest round in its long-r...

Why Was a Hells Angel Leader, Steve Tausan Shot to Death at a Funeral?
top bike-club enforcer nicknamed "Mr. 187'' after the state penal code number for murder was gunned down Saturday in front of stunned spectators.
Hells Angels and Bandidos club members ''own nightspots in Thailand tourist centres that have become popular haunts for bikies worldwide
Agency gets green light to use wiretaps in Hells Angels case: "The Director of Civil Forfeiture has won the latest round in its long-running court battle with the Nanaimo Hells Angels.

Angels of Death: Inside the Biker Gangs' Crime EmpireThe B.C. Supreme Court has ruled that the government agency can have access to evidence police uncovered -including wiretaps -during a twoyear investigation of the Nanaimo chapter dubbed Project Halo.

The RCMP recommended a series of charges resulting from the probe in a report to Crown Counsel but none were ever laid. The Civil Forfeiture office sought to use the police material in its court challenge to maintain control of the bikers' Nanaimo clubhouse.

The property, assessed in 2011 at $101,000, was seized in November 2007 because the Civil Forfeiture office alleged it was being used as an instrument for unlawful activity.

Since then, the company that owned the property -Angel Acres Recreation and Festival Property Ltd. -has lost a bid to have the case thrown out and another to maintain control of the clubhouse pending a full trial on the issue."

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Outlaws Bikers News : Agency gets green light to use wiretaps in Hells Angels case
Agency gets green light to use wiretaps in Hells Angels case
Outlaws Bikers News
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