Jury in biker trial goes home | Richmond Times-Dispatch | Outlaws Bikers News
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Jury in biker trial goes home | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Jury in biker trial goes home Richmond Times-Dispatch: "jury deliberating in the trial of five motorcycle gang members on federal rack...

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Jury in biker trial goes home Richmond Times-Dispatch: "jury deliberating in the trial of five motorcycle gang members on federal racketeering and other charges was allowed to go home at noon Thursday because of the snow.
The five-man, seven-woman jury was given the case by U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson on Wednesday afternoon. They are set to return and resume deliberations Monday morning.
More than two dozen people, primarily members of the Outlaws motorcycle club, were indicted this year on charges that they were trying to expand the gang into Virginia � a state said to be under the control of their bitter rivals, the Hells Angels.
Seventeen defendants have pleaded guilty. In a trial last month, a jury convicted one gang member, acquitted two and could not reach a verdict on Jack Rosga, 53, of Milwaukee, the Outlaws' national president.
The current trial began Dec. 1, and Rosga is being retried on charges of conspiracy to violate racketeering law and conspiracy to commit violence in the aid of racketeering.
Also on trial are Outlaws Harry McCall, 53, and Christopher Timbers, 38. McCall is charged with conspiracy to violate racketeering laws, conspiracy to commit violence, violence in the aid of racketeering, and possession of a firearm. Timbers is charged with conspiracy to violate racketeering laws, conspiracy to commit violence, violence in aid of racketeering and possession of a firearm.
Dennis Haldermann, 42, a member of another motorcycle club, is on trial for accusations of violence in the aid of racketeering. Former Outlaws member Mark Jason Fiel, 38, is charged with conspiracy to violate racketeering laws and conspiracy to commit violence."

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Outlaws Bikers News : Jury in biker trial goes home | Richmond Times-Dispatch
Jury in biker trial goes home | Richmond Times-Dispatch
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