BN- Police would not confirm ABC TV reports that both victims were connected to the Gypsy Jokers bikie gang. Two men have been shot and wou...
BN- Police would not confirm ABC TV reports that both victims were connected to the Gypsy Jokers bikie gang. Two men have been shot and wounded, one seriously, in an incident in Perth's south reportedly linked to the Gypsy Jokers.Police spokesman Sergeant Graham Clifford said a man in his 40s and another in his late 30s, had both suffered shotgun wounds. "One of them could be described as having minor wounds and his injuries are not life threatening," Sgt Clifford said. "The other has more serious wounds."ABC TV reported that one of the men was shot in the chest and the other in the arm. Sgt Clifford said the shooting occurred about 4.15pm (WST) at a house in Jandakot, a semi-rural southern suburb of Perth which is characterised by one to two-hectare properties, such as hobby farms. He said the Peppworth St home was close to an industrial area in the vicinity of Jandakot Airport. The two men had been dropped off at Murdoch Hospital by a "third party" following the shooting and were later transferred to another hospital, he said. "I can't confirm any bikie gangs were involved," Sgt Clifford said. "Inquiries are under way to find a third party involved, but there's no concern for the general public because the matter appears to have been between those people. "But it's early days and the investigation will follow the normal line of inquiry."