President of the Santa Barbara Hells Angels pleaded not guilty Wednesday to allegations that he brandished a firearm at a motorcyclist in t...
President of the Santa Barbara Hells Angels pleaded not guilty Wednesday to allegations that he brandished a firearm at a motorcyclist in the Ojai Valley in January.Archie Schaffer, who is out of jail on $160,000 bail, is charged with making criminal threats, street terrorism, reckless driving and committing a crime for the benefit of the Hells Angels. He is also accused of using a firearm in the commission of a crime.Investigators say Schaffer, 35, was in a pickup truck heading north on Highway 33 at Casitas Springs on Jan. 17, when he began tailgating a group of motorcyclists. He allegedly forced one motorcycle into oncoming traffic and brandished a firearm at two other motorcyclists, according to investigators.He was arrested Jan. 30.Ventura County Superior Court Judge Bruce Young set a preliminary hearing for April 21.�These allegations against Archie are preposterous,� Schaffer�s lawyer, Anthony Zinnanti of Santa Clarita, said in an interview.He told the judge that he wants a hearing because he plans to file a legal petition asking a judge to stop the Ventura County Sheriff�s Department from conducting a series of searches at his client�s house in Ojai, including pointing guns at young children, the attorney said.Outside the courtroom, Zinnanti accused sheriff�s deputies of misconduct by knocking down doors, frightening the family, destroying property and what he called �trophy taking� during four searches that were conducted in April 2008, twice in January and once in March.Schaffer�s father, Archie Schaffer Sr., said the children and a baby sitter were in the house when one of the search warrants was executed.
Asked for a response, Sheriff�s Department spokesman Capt. Ross Bonfiglio expressed skepticism. �I tend to doubt (the allegations),� Bonfiglio said, adding that he knows of no complaint filed against the Sheriff�s Department by anyone in connection with the case. �We get a complaint, we investigate,� he said.Zinnanti said the deputies took office equipment, including the top of a printer and a fax machine, along with a leather vest, miscellaneous papers and drawings, a Hells Angel calendar and other items. He said no guns or drugs were found at Schaffer�s residence � �nothing incriminating,� he said.�The club ain�t going to take this lying down. This is a legal war,� said Zinnanti, calling the search warrants extremely abusive.
Asked for a response, Sheriff�s Department spokesman Capt. Ross Bonfiglio expressed skepticism. �I tend to doubt (the allegations),� Bonfiglio said, adding that he knows of no complaint filed against the Sheriff�s Department by anyone in connection with the case. �We get a complaint, we investigate,� he said.Zinnanti said the deputies took office equipment, including the top of a printer and a fax machine, along with a leather vest, miscellaneous papers and drawings, a Hells Angel calendar and other items. He said no guns or drugs were found at Schaffer�s residence � �nothing incriminating,� he said.�The club ain�t going to take this lying down. This is a legal war,� said Zinnanti, calling the search warrants extremely abusive.